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Skuespill: Lear, ACT I, SCENE III. The Duke of Albany's palace.
OSWALD: Well, madam.

Skuespill: Lear, ACT I, SCENE III. The Duke of Albany's palace.
GONERIL: And let his knights have colder looks among you;
What grows of it, no matter; advise your fellows so:
I would breed from hence occasions, and I shall,
That I may speak: I'll write straight to my sister,
To hold my very course. Prepare for dinner.

Skuespill: Lear, ACT I, SCENE IV. A hall in the same.
KENT: If but as well I other accents borrow,
That can my speech defuse, my good intent
May carry through itself to that full issue
For which I razed my likeness. Now, banish'd Kent,
If thou canst serve where thou dost stand condemn'd,
So may it come, thy master, whom thou lovest,
Shall find thee full of labours.