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Skuespill: Lear, ACT III, SCENE IV. The heath. Before a hovel.
EDGAR: Away! the foul fiend follows me!
Through the sharp hawthorn blows the cold wind.
Hum! go to thy cold bed, and warm thee.

Skuespill: Lear, ACT III, SCENE IV. The heath. Before a hovel.
KING LEAR: Hast thou given all to thy two daughters?
And art thou come to this?

Skuespill: Lear, ACT III, SCENE IV. The heath. Before a hovel.
EDGAR: Who gives any thing to poor Tom? whom the foul
fiend hath led through fire and through flame, and
through ford and whirlipool e'er bog and quagmire;
that hath laid knives under his pillow, and halters
in his pew; set ratsbane by his porridge; made film
proud of heart, to ride on a bay trotting-horse over
four-inched bridges, to course his own shadow for a
traitor. Bless thy five wits! Tom's a-cold,--O, do
de, do de, do de. Bless thee from whirlwinds,
star-blasting, and taking! Do poor Tom some
charity, whom the foul fiend vexes: there could I
have him now,--and there,--and there again, and there.