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Skuespill: Lear, ACT I, SCENE I. King Lear's palace.
GLOUCESTER: Sir, this young fellow's mother could: whereupon
she grew round-wombed, and had, indeed, sir, a son
for her cradle ere she had a husband for her bed.
Do you smell a fault?

Skuespill: Lear, ACT I, SCENE I. King Lear's palace.
KENT: I cannot wish the fault undone, the issue of it
being so proper.

Skuespill: Lear, ACT I, SCENE I. King Lear's palace.
GLOUCESTER: But I have, sir, a son by order of law, some year
elder than this, who yet is no dearer in my account:
though this knave came something saucily into the
world before he was sent for, yet was his mother
fair; there was good sport at his making, and the
whoreson must be acknowledged. Do you know this
noble gentleman, Edmund?