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Skuespill: Lear, ACT IV, SCENE VI. Fields near Dover.
EDGAR: O thou side-piercing sight!

Skuespill: Lear, ACT IV, SCENE VI. Fields near Dover.
KING LEAR: Nature's above art in that respect. There's your
press-money. That fellow handles his bow like a
crow-keeper: draw me a clothier's yard. Look,
look, a mouse! Peace, peace; this piece of toasted
cheese will do 't. There's my gauntlet; I'll prove
it on a giant. Bring up the brown bills. O, well
flown, bird! i' the clout, i' the clout: hewgh!
Give the word.

Skuespill: Lear, ACT IV, SCENE VI. Fields near Dover.
EDGAR: Sweet marjoram.